Volunteering is a great way to make a positive difference to the health and wellbeing of your community. Learn new skills, grow your own self-awareness and help people in need.
There are several ways you can get involved with Family Drug Support Aotearoa New Zealand as a volunteer.
These include fundraising, helping out in the office, taking Support Line phone calls, or training to be an Accredited Practitioner and delivering the 5-Step Programme to family members.
If you are able to volunteer, we would love to hear from you.
To volunteer for the Support Line, please complete the form below. For all other volunteer enquiries, please contact us to discuss.
Support Line
The Support Line is a New Zealand-wide 0800 telephone support service for families, whānau or friends affected by loved ones using alcohol and other drugs. There is no other nationwide organisation dedicated to building coping and resilience in family members so they are able to support those around them with alcohol and other drug challenges.
Our telephone service is staffed by trained volunteers - and we need more! If you would like to volunteer, we are looking for people who:
are non-judgemental and empathetic listeners
have a mature outlook and good life experience
want to help change lives
would like to take action to build a society where people feel supported.
We provide the training you need to become a Support Line volunteer. If you would like to help, please complete the application form below. All information provided by you is strictly confidential.