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Recovery: A Family Perspective
A 40-min webinar with Prof David Best on how the recovery process works and the importance of whānau/family in that process.
Mindfulness is a great way to help decrease stress, and increase mental wellbeing. We've rounded up a few videos you might find helpful.
Letting go
A poem about letting go of a loved one; what letting go is, and what it isn't.
"I" Statements
"I" statements help you communicate without blaming. They take responsibility for your own feelings while describing a problem.
When Dialogue And Negotiation Doesn't Work
If your attempts to achieve negotiation have not worked you may then have to impose it by setting a boundary around communication.
About Boundaries
Families/whānau often have difficulty setting boundaries that are effective and manageable. Boundaries give a sense of security and respect.
How am I feeling?
This depression self test is a handy tool to help you determine whether you may have depression and whether you want professional help.
Letter to Friends and Family/Whānau
Your ability to help & support your loved one will be enhanced by using this advice about their relationship with drugs and alcohol.
Passive, Aggressive, and Assertive Communication
A description of the differences between passive, aggressive, and assertive communication, with some scenarios for you to practice.
Chronic Sorrow
When people talk about grief, they usually mean the loss they feel when someone dies. Chronic sorrow is a grief associated with living loss.
Concealed Stigmas and What Science Tells Us About Our Need for Support
Talking with others may help us put things in perspective and realise that alcohol and other drug issues extend to all areas of society.
The importance of families, whānau and friends
Tony Trimingham, Founder of FDS Australia, talks about the importance of families, whānau & friends to people using alcohol or other drugs.
Opioid Dependence
This video helps you learn about dependence to the group of painkillers called opioids, and to guide you in finding help to overcome it.
Effects of ice on the brain and body, and implications for responding
This webinar explains the effects of methamphetamine (including ice) on the brain and body and the resulting impacts on functioning.
Stepping Forward: Session 1
This video provides information on the key models of change to help you understand what's going on for the user and their family.
Harm Reduction Principles for Effective Parenting
Harm reduction principles work best if you're worried about your child using alcohol and/or other drugs.
Love Has No Labels: The Rise and (hopeful) Fall of Tough Love
You've probably heard “you have to let them hit rock bottom.” But tough love does little to help them seek treatment or change.
Families Matter
Join FDS's NZ founder, Pauline Stewart, talking with NewstalkZB on how important families are to people using alcohol and/or other drugs.
How to support families and friends with a loved one using methamphetamine
This webinar describes the challenges faced by families & friends of those struggling with meth and introduces an online support programme.
Reinventing Recovery
Dee Dee Stout reveals that it isn't the alcohol or other drugs that are at the core of the problem: they are but a symptom.
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